ECF “Blue Sky x STEM” Challenge

Protect our blue sky
Achieve Clean Air Plan for HongKong 2035

Clean air is fundamental to human life. The extensive use of fossil fuels from the development of modern society, together with large-scale industrial production processes, have largely polluted the air in our atmosphere. Our sky becomes obscured, and the environment and our health become threatened.

Every one of us, even primary school students, has a responsibility to improve our air and restore our blue sky. But air pollutants are invisible and intangible; students find them hard to understand, and teachers face a challenge explaining them.

“STEM” is a teaching method that can turn abstract topics into something concrete. Through experiments, observation and results analysis, students can learn first-hand about air pollution.

The “Blue Sky ✖ STEM” project targets primary school students. We have specially designed interactive learning activities on air pollution that add fun to learning for students. Students can associate air pollution with their daily activities, heightening the urgency of this issue.

Besides the “Blue Sky ✖ STEM” educational resource package and online training workshops for teachers, we also organise the territory-wide academic event - Blue Sky ✖ STEM Competition - to encourage students to design their own Clean Air Plan for School and take action to address air pollution and protect our blue sky. Together, we can achieve Clean Air Plan for Hong Kong 2035 !

ECF “Blue Sky x STEM” Challenge