Foodforgood@Campus Education Kit

Foodforgood@Campus Education Kit

Food waste amounts to 40% of solid waste in Hong Kong, making it the largest source. More than 100 tonnes are being generated by schools each day. Specially designed for primary schools, Foodforgood@Campus Education Kit contains a teacher’s handbook and educational CD-ROM. Topics include: food waste in Hong Kong and its solutions, covering the relationship between people’s dietary habits and food waste, the moral and environmental issues brought about by food waste, and forward-looking approaches to food waste management in Hong Kong. The kit also provides examples of how to reduce food waste in schools from the perspectives of administration, facilities, and education. Primary school teachers can use the kit to promote food waste reduction and to teach children to cherish food.

No. of Pages : 100 (with Educational CD-ROM)

Target: Primary schools

Language : Bilingual

Printing : Full Colour

Price: Not for sale (distributed to primary schools for free)

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